SB 326 – Mandatory Balcony Inspections

SB 326 requires the association of a condominium project to cause a reasonably competent and diligent visual inspection of exterior elevated elements, defined as the load-bearing components and associated waterproofing systems.

Requirement for Inspections

This requires the association of a condominium project to cause a reasonably competent and diligent visual inspection of exterior elevated elements, defined as the load-bearing components and associated waterproofing systems, as specified, to determine whether the exterior elevated elements are in a generally safe condition and performing in compliance with specified standards. It also requires the inspector to submit a report to the board of the association providing specified information, including the current physical condition and remaining useful life of the load-bearing components and associated waterproofing systems. It requires the inspector to provide a copy of the inspection report to the association immediately upon completion of the report, and to the local code enforcement agency within 15 days of completion of the report, if, after inspection of any exterior elevated element, the inspector advises that the exterior elevated element poses an immediate threat to the safety of the occupants. And it further requires the association to take preventive measures immediately upon receiving the report, including preventing occupant access to the exterior elevated element until repairs have been inspected and approved by the local enforcement agency. The bill authorizes local enforcement agencies to recover enforcement costs associated with these requirements, and the association board to enact rules or bylaws imposing requirements greater than those imposed by these provisions.

Authority to Commence Legal Proceedings

The act provides that an association has standing to institute, defend, settle, or intervene in litigation, arbitration, mediation, or administrative proceedings in its own name as the real party in interest and without joining with its members in specified matters, including enforcement of the governing documents.

The bill requires the board to make the determination of whether and when an association may commence legal proceedings against a declarant, developer, or builder of a common interest development, except as specified. The bill, with certain exceptions, prohibits an association’s governing documents from limiting a board’s authority to commence legal proceedings against a declarant, developer, or builder of a common interest development. The bill makes these provisions applicable to governing documents, irrespective of when they were recorded, and claims initiated before the effective date of this bill, except if those claims have been resolved through an executed settlement, a final arbitration decision, or a final judicial decision on the merits.